Course title: Advanced Financial Accounting
Code: 12534
Credit: 4
Teaching Hours: 4 hrs/w X 16weeks
This course is a comprehensive study of business combinations, the equity and cost methods of accounting for investments in common stock, and consolidated financial statement preparation. Through the study of this course, students will grasp the fundametals of accounting for business group.
Students who take part in this course are required to finish Intermediate Accounting with a pass grade..
Advanced Accounting edited by Floyd A. Beams, published by the press of People University of China
Suggested Readings (if you have)
Teaching Methodology
Classroom learning
Group work
Case study and presentation
Final Examination 70%
Mid-term Examination 20%
Homework assignments and class participation 10%
Total 100%
To achieve a pass grade in this course, students must obtain 60% or more as an aggregate mark on the assessment.
Course outline
1. business combinations
2. stock investments—investor accounting and reporting
3. an introduction to consolidated financial statements
4. consolidated techniques and procedures
5. intercompany profit transactions—inventories
6. intercompany profit transactions—plant asset
7. consolidations—changes in ownership interests
8. indirect and mutal holdings
Aims and Objectives
Students will be required to analyze the financial records of a company and address specialized accounting issues. Upon successful conclusion of Advanced Accounting, I will have outlined the following topic areas:
1. An Introduction to Business Combination Concepts and Definitions.
2. Accounting for Stock Investments when significant influence and control exist.
3. An Introduction to Consolidated Financial Statements and the Consolidation Process.